Lesson 1
A: Welcome back!
B: Thanks.
A: So, how was the trip?
B: Excellent, actually.
A: That´s good. Can I give you a hand?
B: clear that if.
Lesson 2
A: Were you on vacation?
B: Yes, I was. I went to Bahamas.
miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2012
Lesson 1
It was so comfortable.
It was quite scenic.
It was really boring.
It was kind of bumpy.
It was pretty scary.
It was rather short./ It was very long.
Lesson 3
It was relaxing.
It was exciting.
It was interesting.
It was unusual.
Lesson 4
- horrible.
The weather was - awful. The people were - undfriendly.
- pretty bad. - cold.
- terrible.
They lost my luggage.
Someone stole my wallet.
- amazing.
The weather was - fantastic. The people were - friendly.
- terrific. - warm.
- wonderful.
They found my luggage.
Someone returned my wallet.
It was so comfortable.
It was quite scenic.
It was really boring.
It was kind of bumpy.
It was pretty scary.
It was rather short./ It was very long.
Lesson 3
It was relaxing.
It was exciting.
It was interesting.
It was unusual.
Lesson 4
- horrible.
The weather was - awful. The people were - undfriendly.
- pretty bad. - cold.
- terrible.
They lost my luggage.
Someone stole my wallet.
- amazing.
The weather was - fantastic. The people were - friendly.
- terrific. - warm.
- wonderful.
They found my luggage.
Someone returned my wallet.
viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012
Unit 7.- Grammar Rules
Lesson 1:
wasn´t = was not.
weren´t = were not.
Lesson 2:
*Regular verbs: spelling.
+ed +d +ied
visited arrived study-studied
watched changed try-tried
played liked
wasn´t = was not.
weren´t = were not.
Lesson 2:
*Regular verbs: spelling.
+ed +d +ied
visited arrived study-studied
watched changed try-tried
played liked
cover letter
Ozuna Alfaro Jesús Alberto
Ingeniería Electromecánica “B”
Ingeniería Electromecánica “B”
Teacher María Ana Amelia Navarro
Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Cananea
Ingles Nivel IV
Cananea Sonora, Febrero de 2012.
Apreciable María Ana Amelia, por medio de la presente quisiera solicitarle que me impartiera el curso de ingles nivel IV que usted dignamente imparte en un horario de 12 a 13 hrs de lunes a viernes en el aula G3 del Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Cananea.
Tengo tres semestres llevando ingles, lo cual he aprendido las bases para poder llevar nivel IV, se como estructurar preguntas u oraciones. También puedo dar una dirección y de como llegar a un lugar.
Para mi persona, me parece que el ingles es una pieza clave para poder llegar a hacer un gran ingeniero. Este idioma es el más común que se utiliza en las empresas, ya que la mayoría por no decir que todas las piezas son americanas, y por esta razón se debe saber ingles para poder estar a la vanguardia en un trabajo que se te sea asignado.
Se despide, quedando a su completa disposición:
Alberto Ozuna.
Class Rules
1.- Libro de texto.
2.- Puntualidad.
3.- No usar gorras.
4.- Apagar celulares
5.- No chicle.
6.- 2 faltas por unidad.
7.- Hablar ingles dentro del aula y departamento de ingles.
8.- No salir del aula durante la clase.
9.- Entregar hoja de trabajo.
10.- Entregar tareas asignadas para presentar examen.
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